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BeGin Distilling
16D Sunley Street
New Plymouth
New Zealand
Distributor in Singapore:
Global One Three One Pte Ltd
While we aim to reply to any email enquiries as soon as possible, here are a number of frequently asked questions to help you find what you are looking for.
Estimated arrival is between 2-4 working days.
We will try our best to deliver your purchased product as soon as possible, this includes weekends where possible.
We are currently available in Singapore. For enquiries, please contact info@junogin.sg
Well, technically speaking, all our gin comes to you fresh from our New Plymouth distillery. However, if you’re in the region and you are looking for more of an old-fashioned face-to-face gin purchase, our cellar door is open from 10am through to 5pm most days, so pop in for a visit!
Please be aware that weekend availability is currently limited so it is best to make a booking to avoid any disappointment.
Some like to store it in the freezer for that amazing martini moment, and we recommend somewhere out of direct sunlight. Dark and cool is perfect!
The EU definition of gin describes it as a clear neutral spirit of agricultural origin, predominantly flavoured with juniper, and having an alcohol by volume (abv) of 37.5% – 45%. Juno Gin ranges between 40% abv and 44% abv, with a 55% barrel-aged and a 55% Navy Strength available.
Dry Gins contain no sugar at all (all of Juno’s Gins are dry). Liqueurs contain additional sugar which may be as high as 30%.
Technically yes, gin is a vodka that has been flavoured with botanical material (primarily juniper). But I think all those who love gin prefer not to think of it that way!
Juno Extra Fine has won eight national and international medals, and our Summer 19 and Spring 20 Seasonal Gins have won Gold medals (actually all of the 2020 Seasonal gins are medal winners!) But, if your palate is king, then choose one that suits your style – citrus, spicy, herbaceous, woody, floral. The choice is wide and may depend on the occasion and how you would like to drink the gin.
Technically all gin should be gluten-free as gluten is not carried across from the original fermented product during distillation. But if you want to be extra sure, then choose a gin where the base alcohol is made from lactose as opposed to a grain. Juno Gins are all gluten-free!
We are currently working with Massey University to develop a Juniper industry, and we anticipate that in 2023 we will be looking for potential Juniper growers. We are still at the propagation-stage in 2021. For the other botanicals, we are always interested in a conversation. Please do contact us through the Contact page.
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